Worse than Drolgans were the large rat like creaturesm called Balrigans. Their hide was thick and nearly inpenetrable by beast or man made weaponry. Their temper was as sharp as thier enormous teeth. Their eyesight left much to be desired, but these creatures had brains. They tended to run in packs of three femalse and a male. Their packs needn't be large for they were as tall as an ox.
Llhassa moved forward swaying fluidly thorugh the grass before her. It parted like a green sea and sighed at her passing. The rain subsided with a protesting grumble of thunder in the distance. A cool breeze caressed Llhassa as she made her way to the forest. Its hands of wind brushed over her quicksilver fur lovingly.
A deep roar came from just up ahead. She could hear the burning rage in waves as the growl dissappaited *spelling I know!!!!*. Standing still as death Llhassa waited for an ambush, her ears pricked forward and alert, her muscles tense and ready for flight or fight if need be. Her ears picked up on tiny growls, yips, and hisses that made up the Jarouri language. She knew there had to be at least tow Jarouri up ahead of her. Mufled human speech came to her ears and she knew that she must act. The Jarourio were probably torturing an innocent mortal.
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