ok so its been about three months since i posted last .... couldnt help it have been super busy and have had tons happen... not so good things and good things. well lets just skip over the last couple of months and get back on track... tomorrow is monday and the begining of finals week!!!! weeeeeeeee... only have two more finals to do them im outtie of school for the summer. woot. i learned that the criteria for applying to the nursing program has changed here and i am a little upset since i was all on board to get in for the fall semester... now ill prolly have to wait until spring '13. its ok i will make it!!!! I WILL MAKE IT!!!!... >.> um.... on another point i have been feeling the itch to get working on my next novel, but am just too lazxy.. and forgetful >.> i forgot my notebook today at work and can do nothing but twiddle my thumbs while i wait to get on with chores and things that must be done at certain times.
on the photographical side of things i have taken a few cute pics of my nieces at Easter.. they are sooo darn cute!!!! makes me giggle and squeee just thinking of the fun we had. ^.^>.> im hoping this summer to visit yellowstone and perhaps a few other national parks nearby... im taking the sixth thru the nineteenth of may off to go on vacay around montana and to visit my family in utah for a few. ^.^ im sooo happy to be getting out of billings i cant stand it!!!
Ive filled up my Kindle like twenty times over with free books, but havent had the time to read them yet... lol oh woe is me.... >.> but i did pick up a copy of The Help.... you know the one they made a motion picture of. ... havent seen the movie, but planning on it now that i finished reading the book ..... I have to say it was a good read i couldnt put it down. so much truth rang out in it and i am ashamed at what was done to people before my birth, but there was no way i could change that nor was i even around....
>.> here comes my rant... pretty much my whole response to the book >.> sort of...
Im not racist.... really im not... but it kind of irritates me that even people my age feel they've been wronged because their ancestors were ill treated. im sure if you look back to the dawn of time every ones ancesters were mistreated in some way. Slavery existed since the dawn of time.... women from all races etc were treated as lesser than men... seriously lets just put it all aside and quity gripping about how bad it was for people. yes it was an evil thing to do, but its in the past... we have learned from our mistakes and have changed our ways... just because i am white doesnt mean i beat up on your ancesters and took their freedom! I never condonned that sort of thing and would in all reaspects either have been somehow involved in teh underground railroad, or would have been part of the activists for equality.
i really could go on and on with this one... but i wont.. theres better things to do with my mental power and time than beat the rug with a broom... the dust has already been vaccuumed out of... >.>
well i outta scoot until i get everything done i need done...
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