Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Why I decided to sleep in until 4 pm...

I know I know it was a lazy move... I literally didn't get out of bed until nearly 4 pm today. and still haven't gotten dressed and I'm not gonna seeing as how its after 8 right now. Normally I'm awake or somewhat awake by 8 or 9 in the morning even after a hard day at work the previous afternoon. I dont know whats wrong with me lately. Its like im super tired all the time, but also I think my hip is acting up again. I wouldnt be suprised if I have some sort of thyroid disorder.. seeing as how im usually more tired than normal for the last year or so. It runs in the family so i can definately see it.

Anyway I've been trying to relieve the pain in my hip all afternoon since i woke up and nothing has worked. I reallllllly hate taking pills and try everything i can think of before going that route, but im thankful i still had a pain pill left. its finally bearable. I hope that its just a flare up because a low front is moving in tonight and not the horrible stuff coming back. in any case i hope to call a Dr. on it tomorrow or friday before work. time to get off that subject.

  I hope i can get to doing some of the dishes  done tonight and clean a little more before hitting the hay early tonight. I am trying to make myself get up by 6 or 7 and moving so that im prepared for school in the next two weeks. I am also working on studying up ahead so that im not completely in the dark on the beginning of school. I am retaking Chemistry in order to get at least a B in both lecture and lab. I am also taking sociology in order to get a head start on nursing program. I hope to get in this fall and get my LPN by december of next year. Then its on to gettting my RN and eventually my bachelors. I think after that i want to take a break and work on a family... if god wills it... I hope he does because Ben would be the best dad ever!!! he is so cute when he plays with our niece!!

I know im rambling but i cant help it Im making myself blog lol because i need to work on my writing skills somehow ...

anyhooo..... It's time to hop off here and get some stuff done!! ta ta for tonight

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

So who started the fire...

Ok so I haven't gotten off my butt in a while and posted anything. well I made a new blog sometime in June just for my writing and photography stuff... its called the Untamed Quill so hopefully i still keep up with this one from time to time. I think I'm just going to blog about happenings and whatnot here.

So I don't remember where I left off on news wise here lol so I'm just going to start talking about the past few days or so.

Montana fair ended on the 18th of this month. I had four entries and none of them won a darn thing. That's life, I know i should be proud of myself for even entering something, but somehow I'm bummed. I never really went and saw them on display, but I did get to the fair on the 10th for the "sneak a peek" afternoon. Comeplete let down. I paid to get in the gates and was beelining it to the Cedar hall where my work was judged and waiting to tell me how well or how shitty I did. I waited out by the door because I thought it wasnt open yet as only the gates were at the time. Little did I know till later that night that the fair people decided to leave the Cedar hall and a few other exhibits closed until the next day. what a bummer since I had to work most of the days the fair was here in town. Ugh...

I did try to get back to the fair, but it didn't happen. I kept myself too busy cleaning house and working on getting ready for the fall semester at school. Which i finally wrapped up loose ends yesterday the 20th and am looking forward to start of classes on the 5th of Sept.I could go on and on about classes and the fact that if I had more confidence in my self I would have applied for the nursing program and gotten in... ugh...

Anyway the major issue right now is a fire burning only a few miles from us. I don't know if I've mentioned it or not but smoke and me don't mix. I can't breathe and nothing I do is really helping. I have fans and air purifiers on full blast and  have taken my inhalers religiously, but still i can't breath nor it seems keep awake. I went to bed last night woke up and nine this morning and was going to get moving for the day, but ended up going back to sleep until near 4 this afternoon... holy hell that was lazy lol. let me see if I can post a picture of the fire on here or at least a link to the story...

heres a link to my FB photo... its taken right outside the house. and no its not a thunderhead, but the top of the smoke plume...
 heres an image i took on teh way home right after the fire started..

yeah  I'm headed right about where the smoke is located, just on the other side of the  southern rims... uhhh... so not fun... its at least ten times that size now and growing still. the winds are pushing it northward and to the west. thank god because  its not coming this direction as far as i know. hopefully they get a handle on it... real soon.

Another recent issue is the fact that I have Bursitis in my hip. or had... hopefully it is getting better and not sticking around. I was on the worst crap ever.... prednisone in order to decrease the inflammation to the joint and let me tell you that stuff is one of the major reasons why I'm fat... I really dont eat much, but whenever I have to take that crap its like something triggers in my body and it gains huge amounts of weight. so far I haven't gained anything... thank god!!!... i need to lose the seventy pounds that the last batch of prednisone last winter put on... anyway back to bursitis... it feels like a constant charlie horse that wont let up no matter what you do. right now it doesnt bother me until i try to bend down and grab something off the floor, sit down, or drive for long periods...  and ihave had it for nearly three weeks.

Well I am out for now, going to work on typing up the first part of my new attempt at writing... I've written ten pages so far lol one night while work was boringly slow... and hope to get a few more pages going tonight or tomorrow.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Oo crap i really should keep up on my posts

ok so its been about three months since i posted last .... couldnt help it have been super busy and have had tons happen... not so good things and good things.   well lets just skip over the last couple of months and get back on track... tomorrow is monday and the begining of finals week!!!! weeeeeeeee... only have two more finals to do them im outtie of school for the summer. woot. i learned that the criteria for applying to the nursing program has changed here and i am a little upset since i was all on board to get in for the fall semester... now ill prolly have to wait until spring '13. its ok i will make it!!!! I WILL MAKE IT!!!!... >.> um.... on another point i have been feeling the itch to get working on my next novel, but am just too lazxy.. and forgetful >.> i forgot my notebook today at work and can do nothing but twiddle my thumbs while i wait to get on with chores and things that must be done at certain times.

on the photographical side of things i have taken a few cute pics of my nieces at Easter.. they are sooo darn cute!!!! makes me giggle and squeee just thinking of the fun we had. ^.^>.> im hoping this summer to visit yellowstone and perhaps a few other national parks nearby... im taking the sixth thru the nineteenth of may off to go on vacay around montana and to visit my family in utah for a few.  ^.^ im sooo happy to be getting out of billings i cant stand it!!!

Ive filled up my Kindle like twenty times over with free books, but havent had the time to read them yet... lol oh woe is me.... >.> but i did pick up a copy of  The Help.... you know the one they made a motion picture of. ... havent seen the movie, but planning on it now that i finished reading the book ..... I have to say it was a good read i couldnt put it down. so much truth rang out in it and i am ashamed at what was done to people before my birth, but there was no way i could change that nor was i even around....
 >.>  here comes my rant... pretty much my whole response to the book >.> sort of...

Im not racist.... really im not... but it kind of irritates me that even people my age feel they've been wronged because their ancestors were ill treated. im sure if you look back to the dawn of time every ones ancesters were mistreated in some way. Slavery existed since the dawn of time.... women from all races etc were treated as lesser than men... seriously lets just put it all aside and quity gripping about how bad it was for people. yes it was an evil thing to do, but its  in the past... we have learned from our mistakes and have changed our ways... just because i am white doesnt mean i beat up on your ancesters and took their freedom! I never condonned that sort of thing and would in all reaspects either have been somehow involved in teh underground railroad, or would have been part of the activists for equality.
 i really could go on and on with this one... but i wont.. theres better things to do with my mental power and time than beat the rug with a broom... the dust has already been vaccuumed out of... >.>

well i outta scoot until i get everything done i need done...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

ok so i think this blog needs to stay about my writting and life and stuff and not about kindle reviews

ive decided to make another blog about my reads and kindle freebies instead of mucking it up here... sigh.. im so scatterbrained.... anyhoo if i do find something really really good that i have to share here too i will kk... ok

ok so first review of those freebie books >.>

I couldnt sleep lat night so i decided to finish the first book i read from those freebie sites... it pops up quite a bit in almost every one of my free sites and people said that it was a good read.... well ... lets see....

i read : Daughter Of the Sea by Mira Zamin

heres my review:

Out of kindles five stars i would give it three or four points.. it was very interesting and did drag me into it from the first let me give you some background on the book.. what its about blah blah blah....

the story begins in ancient roman times. In a port town its leader's family is flourishing. his son is soon to be seven and off to the path of learning. his daughter ( the heroine) is your typical rebellious child, smart, confident, and spunky. She balks at the idea of having to marry, even though many if not all her female friends have been married off at the ripe old age of fourteen to her sixteen. one day an older gentleman arrives and vies for her hand in marriage. her parents wanting the best for her agree... turns out he just wants to rule the port town. now... that is only one spoiler folks... i wont reveal the others... but suffice it to say it includes a bauble her brother finds ont he beach... and a few well known gods and le3gends... all in all i would read it again... the story progressed well, but i feel there were lots of holes in the plot and some of the character's actions didnt make sense... as well as some supposed plot twists turned out to be filler.... meh... it was enjoyable and did flow really well... i will read it again and have to say... the site where i got it from knows what people like to read.....

ok on to the next free book.

Monday, January 23, 2012

one site i found for freebies

ok so in my cramped time i found a few sites thanks to family members giving me the push with a page from the newspaper... as well as a sweet co worker who knows how mush i loooooove to read.

this was the first site i went to... please note on many of these sites you need to look at prices still because sometimes they are NOT free..... anyhooo i think it is a good start to finding lots of ebooks for free...

onto another topic

I am currently working on a new novel due to the fact that my brain sees but refuses to write my wolfkin chronicals just yet..... i am hoping to complete it next fall and possibly if i am lucky seek publication for it..... >.> * shrugs* you never know..... so from time to time i will give little snippets of my work for peer review.... i am not sure if im the only one who knows of my blogs existance, but meh..... at least i am asking the allmighty internet.... now.... hmmm.... lets see... i think im going to get off here now and work on homework and my new story idea mwhahahahahahahahahaha and possibly start one of my freebie books to read....


ok so i recently got a kindle touch for christmas... which i loooove.... if u are able to get the kindle app for your pc droid phone or reader device i suggest you do cause i have found many and i mean millions of wonderful books that are absolutely free.... FREEEEEEE ppl.... i will begin posting reviews as well as sites for finding these freebies... NO i am not some advertiser that has taken over this site its me sailorc_ko2000... fatal rose.... c-ko... all those other nicknames.... its me me me and i have found places for my reading addiction to flourish.... hopefully i can get my homework done >.> XD..... mwahahahahahahahahahaahha * insane rantings*

erhm.... * coughs*


on to the adventure of reading ^.^ send you all some reviews soon ^.^ promises

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

ok so deadline is looming

time is running out for me to apply to the nursing program here in billings. and i have to say its not my fault for this procrastination.... my old job at KRMC in Kalispell is being a poopy head and not giving me documentation like i asked FIVE damn times... really guys you cant just give me a piece of paper saying i worked there on such and such dates and part time... i mean come on its not like im trying to get another job... though with our finances that might not be a bad thing.... ugh.... i just want 25 damn points towards the program... to top it all off the lady gave me the run around AGAIN and has yet to email me.... ugh damnit..... at least my current work is awsomes and has a copy for me to pick up after classes... ^.^

ahh helll time for class.... will post more later

Friday, November 18, 2011

ok sooooo.... um now what?

in two days a new Zelda will be out for the wii.. hopefully it lives up to the zelda quality we have seen in twilight princess. I, unfortunately am not going to purchase it until into the next year i think. ( partly because of lack of funds. and partly because lack of time in which to enjoy playing it.. i am tthoroughly involved in playing Skyrim and can see myself needing a week or two to finish the meat of the game. XD im horrible have blown off sleep to play it at times
There are two main reasons why i play video or computer games especially in these days and the tough economy. it takes my mind off of crap going on around us. it lets me relax and not think of school, work, or other stressors. One thing i also love about these games is that i am more inclined to work on my writing ( when i can squeeze that in... XD really only have done a page or two this semester... OMG that is soooooo lame *sniffles*) ahh hell i need to get to class... well ta ta for now... i guess